Ellie is a Vet Nurse who makes sure that all our wvs trips go to plan. She is now in a country called Malawi in Africa!
When asked if Ellie had always known she wanted to be a vet nurse she answered:
For as long as I can remember I wanted to work with animals. Initially I was drawn to becoming a veterinary surgeon, but after doing some work experience I realised that nursing was a better fit for me. There is more involvement with the patients and you get to see patients from the moment they come in to the moment they go home and the transformation is amazing. I couldn't imagine doing anything else!
Find out how to become a Vet Nurse like Ellie!
Frank is the team leader for one of the Mission Rabies catching teams. Frank and his team catch dogs for the Mission Rabies vaccination drives and for WVS!
Our dog catchers work hard to help catch thousands of dogs every year so they can be vaccinated against rabies. WVS work in partnership with Mission Rabies and as the dogs are caught they also receive medical treatment and many are neutered to prevent too many puppies on the streets. WVS run a training programme to give our dog catchers the skills they need. They need to be very fast, agile and accurate. Whilst some dogs can be caught by hand, other dogs have to be caught in nets. Street dogs are clever and have got wise to the nets. The dog catchers work in teams and show incredible skill in being able to catch these dogs.
Footballs are used during the training activities to get the catchers practicing with speed and accuracy, how to catch and restrain the dogs using nets. Once they have been fully trained they head out into the communities to round up strays for vaccinating. The dog catchers have to be very fit as they can walk many miles each day.

Dr Aswin
Dr Aswin is an indian vet working for WVS. He has been one of the vets leading our work with helping donkeys in remote villages in India. More recently he has been setting up a project in Tanzania helping people care for their working donkeys!
When asked why working for WVS is important to you, Aswin answered:
We work 24/7 for the animals. Animals can't express themselves through words, so we try to understand their emotions and help them out when they have no one else.
Find out how to become a Vet like Dr Aswin!
Manida has the important job of being the shelter manager for the WVS dog shelter in Chiang Mai in Thailand. There is a lot to do as shelter manager. The shelter looks after over 80 dogs and Manida makes sure that the dogs are healthy and well looked after as well as managing the staff and volunteers.
She helps with fundraising for the shelter and tries to find the right homes for dogs up for adoption. We have a dog shelter in Chiang Mai in northern Thailand. This shelter provides care for abandoned, abused and injured dogs living on and off the streets in Chiang Mai. WVS employ staff who work really hard to care for these dogs. Many of the dogs are adopted by good local families but before this they need expert behavioural training to prepare them for their new home. This is provided by the shelter behaviour team who make sure the dogs have plenty of space and a safe calm environment for their training.